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Big Community Challenge

Once upon a time St. Mary’s Cockerton Primary School had a beautiful nature garden for the children but sadly over time nature had taken over the garden, like Sleeping Beauty’s castle. We were determined to hack through and give it the kiss of life it needs to bring it back for the children.

Darlington Cares’ members worked with St. Mary’s Cockerton Primary School on the Big Community Challenge to revamp the garden, so it could be used as an outdoor classroom.

The project, which was supported by Darlington Building Society and its members, saw employees of the town’s businesses, pupils and teachers of the school helping to rejuvenate the area by refurbishing flower beds, renovating fencing, planting seeds and much more.

St. Mary’s Cockerton Primary School nature garden presentation

St. Mary’s Cockerton Primary School nature garden bofore and after 2


St. Mary’s Cockerton Primary School nature garden boardwalk

St. Mary’s Cockerton Primary School nature garden planters

St. Mary’s Cockerton Primary School nature garden before and after

St. Mary’s Cockerton Primary School nature garden pond