FYI Project
In 2015 Darlington Cares was awarded a small grant to pilot and anti-social behaviour project, working with young people in the Eastbourne ward of Darlington. The project was a working partnership between Darlington Cares, Groundwork North East and Cumbria and Durham constabulary.
We worked with a group of 20 young people aged 8-11 from Firthmoor Primary School, to help them devise and develop a project of their interest. The scheme aims to reduce instances of anti-social behaviour within the community, by providing the young people a positive outlet for their free time. It also offers the young people the opportunity to develop a range of vital life skills including communication, organisation and planning, as well as social and practical skills when implementing their proposals.
Firthmoor’s Young Impact Group enhanced their local area by developing a large green space that sits in the heart of their community, opposite Firthmoor Community Centre by:
- Installing and painting flowerbeds in the shape of FYI - to resemble their group name.
- Installing and painting and planted, 4 large planters for vegetable and salad for the local community
- Revamped the original goal posts, marked out a football pitch, installed football nets
- Installed benches
We would like to say a huge thanks to all the residents and young people who participated in the year long project.